
Monday, May 8, 2023

Crochet Videos on TikTok

Happy start of the week crochet friends!
I joined the bandwagon and created a TikTok account for my small business. 
It has been a completely new, exciting and invigorating experience being able to connect with fellow crocheters and same-minded people.
I am only sad that making videos for youtube cannot be as fast as making them on TikTok. But, I'll eventually get there.


  1. Good luck! I dabble on TikTok now and again but find it too easy to spend a couple of hours on their without realising, it's VERY addictive. And I feel you can't just drop and run - or at least I can't/don't!! I'll have a look for you next time I'm brave enough to go on :-D

    1. Thank you for the follow Julie! I followed you back 😊. I agree! It is highly addictive, and I usually log on after a long tiring day to wind off. I have discovered so many talented artists and designers and all the things I am interested in. So far, it has been a wonderful experience!


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