
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pippi Longstocking

When Eva told me that their obligatory reading for February is going to be Pippi Longstocking I was really happy and excited. I remember that when I was her age I simply adored this mischievous, adventurous girl and was amazed by her truly remarkable lifestyle and all her ventures. Watching the Pippi series was quite exciting and refreshing for one's mind. Her free spirit, unconventional behavior, lack of fear, straightforwardness, independence, bright-shining positivism and especially the ability to transform her faults into virtues were the traits that attracted us to her.

I can't wait for Eva to discover Pippi's world. I hope it to leave traces in her that will make her remember what beautiful, joyful, imaginative and worry-less period childhood is and that she''ll always treasure the child inside her.I hope it will boost up and nurture her reasoning and imagination. I believe that gloomy, void and hollow is the life of the one with lack of imagination because as the great Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Last Friday I completed two dresses - one for me and one for Eva. I used the same pattern which is the same as this but elongated so as to make a dress. Eva is just the cutest in it, which cannot be said about my dress. I didn't make any darts which obviously I should have and since the fabric is a bit sturdy it doesn't follow the curves and it is slightly baggy-like.

The gathered (elasticated) neckline simply doesn't allow a lot of manipulation, but I think I am going to tame the dress. When I first tried it on the first thought that ran through was that it desperately needs a belt. On the other hand I've already have three dresses with belts on I thought this could do without one, and besides this was the look I was going for. So I'll have to opt on something else.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Colours of the rainbow

A while ago I received what every respectable crafter believes to be a dream come true.
I received a whole box of embroidery yarn accompanied by a dozen knitting and crocheting needles in different sizes by a very special person who is 'at the sunset of her crafting' according to her own words.

I picked one from each colour to make the palette. Along with my own collection this is going to be a true rainbow! Can't wait to return to my embroidery!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This was the third of the original trilogy of dresses but those who read me know that it was delayed because of its belt. It was a real pleasure making this dress. The design is slightly similar to the Bronte dress. This one has a shawl -like neckline and different sleeves.
The velvet didn't give me any trouble as I was dreading it will.

Everything went pretty neat. Until I came to the belt. It wouldn't be right if I say that it made me hell. Hell is a place I could go on vacation. That was true suffering without measure.

First I started embroidering a design I made myself but the silver thread had so much synthetic in it it wriggled in all possible directions. When I was almost finished with embroidering the belt I didn't like it any more. Couldn't stand it to be exact. So I dropped that and started another one.

I don't know what part of my brain was not functioning right when I decided to make the dress with taffeta! Appliqued - mind you! Yes, it looked fantastic when I laid out the cut-out pieces on the velvet, but as soon as I started actually sewing it - well that was a horror scene. The pieces were easily severed by the machine needle so I sewed them by hand, which turned out to be slightly less difficult. Try sewing taffeta on velvet - there's a challenge!
I had the center piece embroidered for another project but thought it would suit the belt more.

Now when everything is over, I might say I like it. Yes, I do. I like it a lot.
May say the trouble was worth it!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Image property of 20th Century Fox

If I say that I was mesmerized by this masterful creation, that would be an understatement!
I absolutely felt thunderstruck during the show. The greatest reason why I experienced the film the way I did is my restrain to read anything in connection with the film. I didn't even know what the story is about. I've only seen this picture of Neytiri (shown above) and that was enough to let my imagination run wild. I didn't know it can run that wild!

The world Mr.Cameron has created is beyond fantasy and imagination! Every scene of Pandora's nature is pure surprise and delight for the senses. The photography is simply breathtaking and truly striking! The story is not quite new so to speak, but is exploited fantastically. And through the eyes of the Na'vi we can see our race as it is: obstreperous, so it comes easy for one to take the side of the natives. Because on their planet - we are the aliens.

Image property of 20th Century Fox

I loved seeing the ways of the Na'vi. They live the lives of the Neolithic men yet are strongly bonded spiritually, mentally and physically with everything living and breathing on their planet. Nothing is taken for granted. Not even the tiniest seed. Something we have long ago forgot about.

Image property of 20th Century Fox

What is the message of the film?
Everybody is free to interpret it the way (s)he desires. However, behind the inclination to entertain I think that the film has a deeper massage.
I would like to think that with this one Mr. Cameron is shaking us by the shoulders to make us realize what we are actually doing to our planet. That we have Pandora right here in front of our feet! That we have to see each other!

If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it to you! Go visit Pandora. You'll be blown away!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Valentine necklace

I know Valentine is just a bit away, and this may sound slightly premature but I couldn't resist naming it otherwise. How could I have?

Doesn't it remind you of Valentine? It's not just the colours. The whole compositions breaths of love and incites this feeling of happiness...

...while the texture of the fabric makes it look so dreamy, romantic yet delicate!

A piece that is a perfect embellishment to clothing!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rubbies and lace dress

My newest addition to the dress collection. The Rubbies and lace dress.

I love how it turned out. After writing my yesterday's post I wasted about two hours trying to add some pink to it in order to enter it for the competition. I tried hard, I turned my stash of laces ribbons, and bands upside down, but whatever I tried just didn't seem right for the dress. I had it stuck in my head that it has to have a bibbed lace front and that was it. Besides I didn't like how it looked with the pink on although I have not against combining those two colours.

So I followed my intuition and this is the result. And I am sorry dress - it was just your luck - no competition for you!

I am off to prepare for the film. And I am going to wear this beauty!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pink delight scarf

Today was a great day! I am almost done with the scarf I've been knitting. Here's a preview of it.

And I also whipped up the red dress I wrote about
As it turned out it's neither of the two dress sketches I made (told you!). It's something in between. I just need to embellish it. Because it is dark now I'll take the pictures tomorrow. And while at this I had quite a pleasant surprise! While having my afternoon break with a cup of coffee in front of the world, i.e. the computer I saw that today Burdastyle launched a competition titled "Pink and Red" garments!
I immediately decided to enter my dress although I am not certain that it is worth to be entered because it is... well... a bit plain. But on the other hand I would really like to participate. If I had know about this upcoming competition I would have put a lot of more effort and made something proper and decent (not that this one's not) - I am sure you get what I mean.

Another thing.
I am over the moon because tomorrow night me and my sweetheart are going to the cinema to see Avatar! All by ourselves! Can't wait! Getting the tickets was very hard - all shows were sold. However, I managed to resist being influenced by the bombing critiques on the net and the papers in order to really (unbiasedly) enjoy the film. I hate when prior to seeing a film or reading a book my judgment is tarnished with what I find miniscule attempts of huge egos to criticize over one's hard work. I can form my own opinions, thank you very much! I hope the film is not going to betray my expectations.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I rolled up my sleeves...

and finished a couple of things. Leaving the kids with their grandparents leaves me a lot of free time on my hands to do things that have to be done and projects to be finally completed. I have a week to make 'several things' (including the dresses I wrote about several posts back, decide on which embroidered belt I am to use with the blue velvet, sew a dress for Iva and several necklaces I've been working on). The list keeps getting longer and longer and I keep adding things to it!
So, while sorting out through things I couldn't believe my eyes when I found this...

This is an embroidered pillow that I nearly finished (you'll see later why it is nearly finished) the week my daughter was born. And that was in 2001!! I just love looking at it - the colors as well as the whole composition of the wreath is so refreshing, relaxing and inspiring.

I can just kick my behind for being so forgetful of beautiful things around me.
The reason I said it is nearly finished is due to the two violets down bellow. See - their center parts are not done! Something that can be finished in a jiffy!

I also made some wristlets in black (which is not my favourite colour at all, and you shall not see many uses of it here on my blog. I had this ball of black wool scattered about and opted on getting done with it for good.

I embellished the plain ones with a burgundy red silk ribbon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Walking by the lake...

we were greeted by an unexpectedly warm breeze for this time of the year, making our stroll quite pleasurable and the landscape was magnificent.

The vacation is in full swing and we brought the children to my in-laws' for a week's rest. When back home I hope to use the time to finish several of my projects and to work on my photos. I cannot wait to try the new tripod I received as a surprise gift from my husband and I want to explore it with no disturbances. Meanwhile, I brought here with me several fabric necklaces which I planned to finish and must admit that it is hard for me to work with all the hubub around here and besides the weather is not helping me at all. Here's a quick steal of what I've been up to.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

May this year bring us all a lot of happiness, love and good health!
I will remember 2009 as a very successful and rewarding year both personally and professionally! And I can only wish and hope this one to be even better!