
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Egg cozies

Yesterday I received this lovely package from Momfetti! And inside the gift I have been anxiously waiting for! The egg cozies I won at her wonderful giveaway!

I cannot describe my pleasure at seeing them! Look at the cuties! The children couldn't keep their hands off them! We placed them over the egg cups to better enjoy them at every angle.
They are simply breath-taking! The craftsmanship is meticulous and extraordinary through which she clearly states that she is a true believer of her maxim: "If you make something yourself, it better look store bought". And they sure do!

You must check her blog where you will find some amazing tutorials and
especially her wonderful shop with things that shall certainly make your household brighter, happier and 'greener'!

And I mustn't forget to mention the envelopes which she makes herself by reusing paper! The sewn edges and the whole appearance of it simply builds up the anticipation and tops the pleasure of receiving such a gift!

Thank you Tuppence for bringing joy to my table!


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