
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jellyfish necklace

Yesterday I got wonderful news of my deadline being prolonged and guess what I did.
I did everything my heart desired. Including embroidery. I worked late into the night and finished a couple of things - mostly fabric jewelry.

This is my favourite. A jellyfish pendant.

These days expect a lot more sea creatures turning into wearables.


  1. Stunning Maya, I am glad you had a moment to yourself. All those French knots, so perfectly done. I can't wait to see what else you have been up to. Any seahorses? I am really into seahorses right now!

  2. How did you know KJ!!!
    Me too!
    One lovely seahorse coming up!

  3. oh I just love when that happens, being able to relax a bit because a deadline is not just there! UF!
    your jellyfish is very beautiful, and a seahorse is coming? Can't wait!!!

  4. I love your embroidery! Can't wait for the rest of your sea creatures...
    And thanks for the lovely comment on my blog :)

  5. Time to craft! What a good thing that deadline was postponed!
    That pendant is amazing! I am totally impressed with the embroideryt


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