
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Vintage scarf necklace

I like creating one of a kind jewelry, incorporating interesting methods and techniques, using a broad variety of materials created by the generous nature and others made by men.

When it comes to fabric accessories, nothing inspires me more than beautiful fabric and the feeling is complete if it is expressive, vivid (and vintage). For this necklace I used one of my vintage scarves This is a variation of a necklace I've already made and it is shown somewhere here with the same pattern because the scarves appealed to me so much at the time I bought three of them in the same color.
After "blasting" my sewing machine, every little stitch on this one is made by hand, it took a lot of time and during the creation process I never stopped feeling sorrowful for all our ancestors who in the past sewed clothes by hand. Makes you appreciate more the commodities of the modern world.


  1. Beautiful Maya and a nice use of the scarf - perfect pop of colour.

    PS I hope that whatever happened to your machine can be fixed easily without too much expense, hassle or heartache .

  2. Ohh this is gorgeous, like a breath of fresh air! - love it!! sorry about your machine though!

  3. I hope your machine is fixed soon! If this is what you do when it's broken, though, I'll certainly be happy to watch! :)

  4. Wow, I love this colour! It's what I wear most during summer! Remember a little while ago I said thanks for your great idea of wrist warmers? Well, I tried it too (but turned them into arm warmers :-) Care to have a look at my blog to see how mine turned out? Thanks!


  5. lovely! That fabric is just awesome!
    How brave to sew it all by hand. I too think about 'before' whenever I sew a simple button... I hate sewing manually and wonder what kind of a 'crafter' I would have been back then ;-)

  6. well if you do that when your machine is damage...I'm so glad you can sew by hand! :)
    It's absolutely gorgeous!

  7. this is very pretty! i like it!

    starting every monday over at www.tootsiewootsieboutique.blogspot.com there will be giveaways and linky parties! so come and join in for some fun and inspiration!

    -The tootsie wootsie

  8. This is so pretty. I featured it for tomorrows My Crafty Weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  9. i just love this! what did you use to stuff the necklace? i've seen this style done with styrofoam balls, but i refuse to buy them! :) lisa


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