
Monday, March 14, 2011

Cutwork: finishing techniques

Some final notes and suggestions about finishing cutwork.
If you want to use the cutwork as an accessory or applique cut it out along the outer edges - a sharp cutter is most appropriate - paying attention not to disturb and cut the embroidery. There may be tiny peeking fibers which you should pluck out.
Then the piece should be washed and starched to gain firmness.

Even better than starch is if you interface the piece in the first place, which I did after I was finished with this one and since I am working on another cutwork project, I must say the interface was the real thing.

When dried press it with a hot iron to make it neater.

Enjoy your work!


  1. that's so beautiful!
    and use it as a necklace makes such impact!

  2. Really beautiful! How many hours went into it?:)

  3. Thank you ladies!
    Magda: this one in particular took about a couple of hours during the course of two days. Or to make it simple about 4 hours.

  4. It sounds like a good timing, I guess that comes with experience!:)

  5. Wow, this is absolutely stunning. I can't believe you made this by hand.

  6. creativejewishmom/March 16, 2011 at 7:33 PM

    very nice maya, and great to see you! Plus love your new photo in the blog header! Thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling sunday, hope to see you again soon.

  7. You are a true skilled master Maya!

  8. Such lovely work Maya! Cutwork makes such a distinctive statement necklace! Wow!

  9. Fabulous piece Maya! I suspect this is the type of project that after you complete it you have one of those a-ha moments and a sense of wonder and accomplishment. I know I do after reading about your steps and seeing the finished necklace.

  10. Thank you all! Yes, the feeling of successful accomplishment is incredible! I enjoy wearing the completed piece the most!

  11. Majo, tutorijal je odlican! Posebno mi se svidja sto sve izgleda jako jednostavno. Volim kada se kombinuje savremena moda sa rusticnim elementima. Ovakav detalj se moze ubaciti na bilo koji deo garderobe (bordura suknje, kragna na bluzi, dekoracija na rukavima). Takodje, mislim da bi sjajno izgledalo i kada bi se "cipka" postavila preko tkanine kontrastne boje. Mogucnosti su neogranicene, sve je samo stvar maste.

  12. Lovely! I'm inspired to try this technique for bookmarks. Thanks again for all the great tutorials! :)


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