
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Floral Headbands and some small talk

It was about 18°C / 64.4°F today! Can you believe it?
This winter we didn't see a single "w" out of it... unlike half of the world... And I still have some winter scarves to show you... maybe it gets pity on us and get a little cold.. I mean just a bit...

I am not crazy about cold weather but I certainly mind the changes -  I mean 18°C in February!! Come on!

As for my projects - I have springlike tablescapes all around the place. No, I was not inspired by the weather - I simply had a ton of organza flowers scattered around and I decided to tackle some lace and organza headbands. As I got pretty serious tackling them, I plan to bore you to death with them in the future posts :) 

Just kidding!


  1. this is so pretty. dainty. I love it! I have been hunting for simple, yet elegant headband ideas. I've never made anything, but I am obsessed with browsing :-)

  2. I am so envious right now, it is -18C and colder with the wind chill. Beautiful,photos, I want to grow out my hair so I can wear pretty accessories (meanwhile I deal with hat head or risk frostbite :)

  3. haaa...where I live 18C is pretty cold for feb and thats how its inside the house right now though its blazing outside. I love the vintage photo-lace stuff you have in your photo background - what are they?

    1. The vintage photos with lace are birthday cards making one fab compilation strung together

  4. Superpretty headband Maya, bet it looks stunning on you! And hey, I think I see something familiar there in the background ;-) LOL! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

    1. Thank you Ira, though it's not for me. As for the cards- what can I say! I can't resist using them:)

  5. I am not a cold weather gal at all and my son was born and raised in Kuwait but has gone on to university in Colorado where he is freezing his butt off at -30 degrees. He's loving Colorado and college but not the cold. We are having beautiful weather at the moment. 60s is about as low as I would like the temperature to get, ever. :) I love headbands but my 15 year graciously informed me that I don't look good in them at all. HA! Have a great weekend. Tammy

  6. I love the vintage feel of your photographs Maya, and the lace and organza headbands are so special. Amazingly feminine and pretty enough for the Bridesmaids of a vintage wedding. I'm so envious that you have such pretty things just lying around waiting for you to transform into such beautiful hand made things x

  7. Beautiful headband. We have had a very weird winter here. Not nearly as cold or snowy as usual. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.


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