
Thursday, August 17, 2017

DIY Driftwood Ideas

This is what happens every August in our household.

We come home from our vacation, loaded with bags of shells, driftwood and beach stones eager to use them in projects.
I ransack pinterest like a maniac to find the perfect driftwood project and most often than not, we clean the wood and then it gets stored in a box. End of story.
Sometimes we actually do something with it. And if we do, I end up not showing it off / archiving it anywhere.
This year we came home with lots of the above mentioned beachcombing treasures, and dare we hope to make anything? Certainly, we do!
Here's this year's selection. Some of these are DIY tutorials, others just an idea what can be done with a little creativity. Each picture bears its credit link, so feel free to explore further. But before you do, here's a tip how to clean and sanitize driftwood.



I hope you get inspired!!!



  1. The sailboats are cute indeed but I LOVE the driftwood mirror! That is a real beauty!!! Thank you for the link about sanitizing driftwood, that comes in real handy!
    Have a great day,

  2. All great ideas, but the fishes are pretty cute. I would love to see what you make with your collection,

    1. Hopefully the project I am on will turn Ok.. :)

  3. Really Maya, this is the most stylish collection with driftwood projects I have ever seen! I loved them all and I am thinking to make the key holder! Hugs and kisses :)



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