
Friday, January 11, 2019

Lattice Warmers

My holiday is slipping away quietly, almost unnoticeably; the days filled with long mornings in bed, coffees and blog reading, topped with crochet and marathon series watching at night are soon to be over and I feel almost sad. 
To cheer myself up, I made myself these cute warmers. Not that they are going to keep me warm in the freezing temps, but a girl can never have too many fancy warmers if you ask me! I was so immersed into work, I forgot to take a picture of them spread out so that you can see the pattern, but it is beau.ti.ful and I am all set now to insert a boxed piece of the pattern onto a sweater.

Have a nice weekend and I'll talk to you on Monday!


  1. Holidays are over here too and we are back to our usual daily life. Colourful accessories like your warmers can cheer anyone up! A piece of this crochet pattern on a sweater will look great. Don't forget to show us! :-)
    Have a warm and happy weekend.

  2. I need more holidays, that's for sure :)
    I will definitely show it Alhana!

  3. Holidays are still happening here. =) Love these lattice warmers. AND....yes I don't think a girl could ever have too many of these pretties. Love those colours.


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