
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bottle / Jar Cap Christmas Ornaments



Every year I try to add a warm handmade touch to our Christmas decor around the house: giving new life to vintage ornaments, crocheting a star garland, recycling ornaments and turning them into table centerpieces. 
This year I decided to make bottle and jar ornaments. 

The idea sprouted from a box filled with tiny wooden figurines / toys we have. A couple of years ago, I succumbed to my urge and bought 2  boxes with approximately 40 such toys and normally, not all get to be hanged on the tree. 

So I decided to use several of these toys and make some new ornaments for our tree.

I used:
- bottle and jar caps
- tiny wooden toys
- printables (wanted to use Christmas related ones; instead I used a music sheet, dictionary extract and snowy village scene). Check out my saved printables for more ideas.
- branches
- cotton 
- foil
- ribbon
- beads

For the Santa ornament I wrapped the cap into alu foil, added a dictionary printable. Glued cotton in a semi circle, added some wooden pieces to look like branches and added beads. The santa came at the center. On the outer side I glued a piece from the tree garland and was to add a golden and a red bow on top of it, but successfully managed to lose them around the place. So this is not completely finished. 

This is a bottle cap ornament and not quite spectacular, but cute anyway. It was a breeze to make. 

I glued sheet music inside, then glued a piece of a garland around the cap (again- not a full circle). I glued an angel at the center as added beads to make it a tiny bit richer. I glued and then tied at the center a golden mash ribbon. 

As you can see below, they have already found their place on the tree. 

I hope you get inspired to make some yourself!


  1. You are amazing Maya. I can't tell you how many odd caps and other such things I've saved to make something with but I just never follow through. I have all the ideas, but no action on them -- whereas you follow through and create the most adorable projects. Love them all.

    1. Thank you Tammy! You should see my craft boxes - filled to the brim for future projects I might dream of (lol)...Luckily, I am still inspired and driven to create...

  2. I'm with Tammy, Maya - you are amazing. The decorations are super sweet, I'm itching to try one.

  3. It is an interesting idea! And children can use it for their crafts! Thank you!

    1. Absolutely! I will be making more with my class for the Christmas bazaar we are having at school!

  4. So cute. Where do you find such tiny embellishments to put inside the cap?

    1. A local shop sells these! Adorable, aren't they?

  5. These are beautiful, Maya - you have such a creative mind!

  6. Such a lovely idea! A few oddments and a cap and voila: a unique Christmas ornament!

  7. This is a terrific idea, Maya! I love how they turned out. <3

  8. These are an inspired idea, Maya. Each and every would sprinkle a touch of whimsy to the Christmas tree. How very clever of you!

  9. Hi, Maya! Thank you for sharing this on Traffic Jam Weekend! It has been chosen as a fave feature for this week's party going live on Thursday at 5:00 pm CST.


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