
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Shabby Chic Dream Necklace - Mix & Match


De-cluttering my crochet treasure box, I set on making another mix and match. 

My older followers might remember the tutorial I made for this wonderful Victorian necklace which I didn't put in the shop because it didn't appeal to me when put onto a blouse - I was not satisfied how it hung - the edging of it to be more precise, so I left it aside. 
The there was this beaded tribal necklace that did not undergo any further beautifying like the other of its sisters did, so when I put them together I realized these two are a perfect match - at least to me :)
So with one stroke I saved both.

I sewed the beaded necklace onto the lace I wasn't satisfied with and the shabby chic dream necklace was born. 

Now, onto new crochet adventures we set!


  1. Maya, you are creating so many pretty necklaces. The color combination of yarn, beads, and flowers is so nice.

    1. Oh, Julie... I wish I could use everything in my stash - but not many times that is actually possible. :)

  2. Sometimes coming back to a project later breathes new life into it. Really lovely!

    1. My thoughts exactly Tammy! Sometimes new ideas turn even better than the original one!

  3. This is such a fabulous creation! You have a great imagination.

  4. It's always a good idea to put something that does not really appeal to you aside and let it rest. Time always tells....

  5. I always adore the crochet necklaces you dream up, Maya. All would complement a blouse or jumper perfectly.


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