
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Make a Mixed Media Necklace - Gorgeous Spring

I took some of my beautiful fabric out to sew some masks, and while at it, I thought it would be a good idea to play a little with fabric because I haven't done that in quite a while. 

As you can see I made a necklace and here's how to make it yourself if interested:

1. Fabric covered buttons
2. Crochet yarn and hook (sport /1.9mm) to make roses, leaves and buttons/ beads
3. Pearl beads  
4. Felt or fabric patch for the back (optional) 
5. Tapestry needle for weaving and sewing needle and thread for sewing the pearls / beads.  


I used 4 sizes of buttons I had in my stash to dress up. I used this method to cover them with fabric. 

Rose pattern

Foundation and row 1: (leave a long tail when starting) ch30 and in 2nd st from hook ch3 (counts as 1st dc), dc3, ch3 and sl st in same st. sk2 sts, sl st in 3rd and repeat pattern above. Next, sk 2, sl st in 3rd and work this pattern: ch3, dc4,ch3, sl st in same stitch. Skip 2, sl st and repeat this pattern 2 more times. When done, sk 2, sl st in next and work this pattern:ch3, dc2, tr2, in next stitch tr2, dc2, ch3 and sl st (in the same stitch). Repeat this pattern 3 more times. Remember to skip the 2 stitches between making petals. Leave a long tail again when finished, because you are using them to sew the rose.

Before sewing I like to tie both ends / tails firmly to make sure no end unravels.Roll the rose into shape and pin to hold. Thread one tail through the tapestry needle and sew through the layers of the rose. Do so with the other one. 

Leaf pattern 

Ch 10. Starting from 2nd ch from hook, hdc1, dc1, dc1, tr1, dc1,dc1, hdc1, sc1 1 (one side made) next repeat the pattern in reverse for the other side: sc1, hdc1, dc1,dc1, tr1, dc1,dc1, hdc1, sl st. Chain 1o more and repeat the leaf pattern for the second leaf. 

Bead pattern here.

Assembly / sewing
First sew the roses over the leaves and then onto the beads you want them on. Decorate with pearls.

Arrange the buttons - the bigger in the center, the smaller at the sides. I crocheted the circles - instead you can use felt or fabric to cover the back.

If you want to make crocheted patches, ch5 and join to make a ring. sc2 in all. Work this increasing pattern for a couple of rounds. If it is a big button, after those couple of increasing rounds, work sc1 in one st, sc2 in the next until you get the desired size for your button. Sew the buttons together.

 To make the necklace chain more secure I started chaining from the second button from the last, then secured that one too. I ended the chain with a small leaf. When you are done with the chain, ch3 more and in first of those 3 chains, dc3, ch 3 and sl st into the 1st st. Sl st in next, pull tail, tie a knot and weave it through the leaf. Do so with the other side. 

I hope you get inspired to make something similar yourself!


  1. You made such a gorgeous necklace that will look pretty for spring and summer.

    1. Thank you Julie. I already started something similar, hoping that one will turn out well.

  2. Very unique and beautiful! I love the color combination.

  3. This is such a beautiful necklace! I love the colors!!

  4. Crochet is a great idea to case buttons. The fabric is so gorgeous!!

    1. Thank you Divya! I've bought it in Tunisia eons ago and saved it jealousuly for a special project and this was it!

  5. That is so gorgeous. What a great idea to use the fabric covered buttons with the crochet.

    1. Thank you Pam! It is a good idea especially if you ha e loads of fabric scarps like I do :)

  6. How beautifully creative this is! Thank you for the how-to.

  7. There ya go again, Maya, with another beautiful jewelry creation!!!

  8. So beautilful! Thank you, Maya, for sharing these wonderful projects and for your tutorial!

    1. Thank you Lilah for your sweet comment and visit!

  9. How pretty! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 15 for Crafts and DIY, open April 15 to 25. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed. Won’t you check out my other link parties too?

  10. This is gorgeous! You are so talented:) I make vintage jewelry but have never attempted a necklace like this -- love it! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm Party! xo Kathleen

  11. Seriously gorgeous. You have a great design eye. Thanks for posting at Funtatastic Friday

  12. Precioso collar!

    Los colores y elementos combinan muy bien.


  13. Lovely! I really enjoy mixed media projects!

    Thank you for sharing on Creative Compulsions!


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