
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Happy Granny Square Day!

Today's International Granny Square Day and since I am incurably in love with grannies, I couldn't pass this fleetingly. 
Recently, I wanted to see how would a stash of my crochet flowers fit into a square, so I made this ..uhm.. let's call it a flower frame - it's not really a conventional granny, but it was born with that idea behind. When I made it, I thought I might turn it into a bag, or a pocket for a bag, and I am still playing with ideas. 

How do you feel about grannies? 

Here's my last year's selection of grannies regarding the day.


  1. Why, I believe I have not seen a more gorgeous granny square, Maya. 'Tis terribly clever and I love how you have thought out of that traditional square. =) Love, Love, LOVE it!

    1. Thank you so much Kim! I am truly overwhelmed by the love this one has got on social media! And, though I love a traditional granny square, it is always immensely exciting to step out the box and try something different!

  2. The flowers are great, they'll look so sweet sewn onto a regular granny square quilt. Happy stitching!

  3. What a beautiful idea, I love your flower frame granny!
    I'm a huge fan of a good old granny square. It's what I always start people on if I'm teaching them to crochet. Granny square day is so much fun and so full of wonderful inspiration.


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