
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eternal specials

Hello! I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend. I am. Today I bought myself two pairs of sandals I am super-excited about! But that is not the reason for this post. It's about the little, eternal, special things.
Quite unexpectedly, while at my mom's, I dug out a Burda special from 1997 I forgot all about. It is a special edition offering patterns for clothing for "special" occasions. I am happy I found it because some of the pieces actually never go out of style.

I am in love with this one, although I have like a ton of similar dresses (if not the same design- the Lavender being my last one - just a couple of posts bellow). Still I cannot shake off the design - it's so.... me!

Then there's this one - so simple yet so refined. I haven't worn anything so "figure caressing" for a long time, because my figure is having a "let's occupy some more space, shall we" experience, but I am working on it - thank you very much!

And the last for today is this sassy and gorgeous dress (but without the fluffy thing, please). Pity I don't have many occasions where I would actually wear this. That is, if I decide to make it.

And, I'm ending my post by these wise words someone said and I am trying to live by them:
"Simplicity is the essence of elegance"!
Keep up to the simple things girls!


  1. These dresses haven't aged indeed... I looove the second one eventhough I also just would'nt look any good in it ;-) so, what about these sandals? no photos of them to be seen? ;-)

  2. Oh, the sandals will have their debut, soon. :P

  3. I really like the "line" bead detail on the second dress. I wonder if it would look cute in buttons on a little girls dress?

  4. You know Tuppence, that is one great idea! I think that buttons might work magic and make the dress look equally adorable!


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