
Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Freya Necklace

Today was a dim, gloomy day. One where darkness from the night before lingers on throughout the day and makes everything dreary and bleak. To cheer myself up, I finished this necklace. 

I am quite satisfied how it turned out in the end. The misshaped oval / cylinder was the starting point to which I gradually added the other elements. It resulted from my brainstorming and crocheting ideas for ornaments, and this one was supposed to be filled with filling, so as to emphasize those perky sides, but I quite liked its current shape, so I left it as is. No mistake in doing that, I think. Working on this was a nice break, and I am willing to try something similar soon.


  1. Imo, art happens when we are willing to accept an element that may not have been part of the original plan. Really unusual and pretty!


    1. Thank you Michelle.That is true. It often happens to me while working on something, and usually the original idea is a spring-board for many other designs and ideas :)

  2. Love the misshaped blue pretty, Maya. It adds a fascinating element on which you fashioned more fun pretties. A gorgeous necklace. Love the colours you chose.

    1. Thank you Kim. I quite enjoy stepping out of my color-safe zone and explore other color combos :)

  3. You always come up with very unique pieces. We've had gray and gloom for days on end here. Whenever there's a bit of a break I try to get out for a walk. Take care. Stay safe.

    1. Thank you Tammy! I do immensely enjoy when you take us along on your walks! They are incredible!

  4. It has a quirky side on it. As Michelle said above, this is how art happens!

  5. How pretty! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  6. Your creations are always so unique and lovely! Thank you for sharing with us at Embracing Home and Family!


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