
Monday, March 7, 2022

Types of Granny Squares (and other shapes too)

The stitch that is the core of a granny square and makes it recognizable as such is the so called "granny stripe pattern". The granny stripe consists of sets of three double crochet stitches filling chain spaces across and around. And thus they make up a  traditional granny square. The center of such a granny is most often a 2D flower/clover or a circle.
However,  there are other types of grannies: lace / mesh squares, with or without (3D) flowers, diagonal (corner to corner), vertical, mitered and the list goes on.


Beside squares, there are the granny triangles and hexies, which add up to and make the crochet world even richer and more beautiful. 

What's your favourite type of granny?


  1. I love granny squares with flowers.

  2. Those are pretty granny squares but I love the ones with the flowers in the center!

  3. I LOVE the bottom one - with all the flowers in the center! I've never seen one like that before. Do you have a pattern for it, or is it freehand? It's Gorgeous!!!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! It is a freehand made. I collected all the ones I had in that particulate color and windged them into a square. I am inclined to make it into a pattern though!

  4. Thank you, Pink! I just answered this on a previous comment. This one is mine :)

  5. Thank you, Pink! I hope to have something like that in this granny-dedicated month!

  6. Son ideales, con una variación en su dificultad y combinaciones.
    En general el mundo del crochet es apasionante.


  7. Oh my, the floral embellished ones take the traditional granny square to a whole other level. So elegant!

  8. I'm a fan of the traditional square. Requires no thinking on my part. Just rhythmic rounds. :)

  9. Such a potpourri of granny square gorgeousness! LOVE the square overflowing with turquoise (or is it aqua) loveliness, Maya.

  10. Gorgeous colors, Maya! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm--pinned!

  11. Hi Maya, All your granny squares are lovely. You always pick such beautiful colors.

    Thank you for linking up at our weekly Link Party! You are being featured at our Wednesday Party #442 this week. Here’s the direct link to the post in case you’d like to share your feature:
    Hope to see you again next week! Rhondda

  12. Hi Maya,
    Dropping by to let you know I'll be featuring your lovely granny squares tomorrow for Feature Friday! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  13. I make simple granny square dishcloths with cotton yarn during meetings or when my SO is driving us somewhere. They go to friends, my vintage/craft booth, raffles, and the church Christmas bazzar. They are mindless, quick, and so easy. I loved your bottom one; I would make it into a pillow top! My mother made us kids a g.s. afghan; my double bed one is so heavy it qualifies as a weighted blanket!

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment, and for sharing your granny experience, Kathy! I've been mostly making baby blankets. Wish I had the time to make a king size bed granny version, and I do hope I make it one day! Grannies are so versatile in the sense you can make them into whatever your heart desires.


I love your comments! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!