Our two weeks of summer holiday have come up to a close. We literally soaked up the last crumbles of summer. And every minute was worth cherishing.
I've made tons of breath-taking pictures, which I hope will help me endure the bleak winter ahead :)

My favorite activities on the beach, aside from swimming and beach-combing are reading books and crocheting; I read all the books I took with me and highly recommend "Home Before Dark" by Riley Sager if you are a thriller/horror lover - it kept me on my toes until the end.
When packing for our holiday, I had second thoughts of taking my crochet with me. Shocking, I know! I never leave my crochet work even when we go away for the weekend, but this time I wanted to let my brain rest. Luckily, I decided against it and have already made a pattern for a crocheted sewing kit.
Beach-combing was not as successful as I hoped it would be, because the places we visited had hardly any shells (due to the rocky/sandy bed), and the ones that had, cradled broken ones. I am already brainstorming a craft project with the shell remnants I brought back with me.