Maybe you are perplexed with the title so here's the explanation.
I love blogging. But blogging with a purpose. I don't post at all costs. Sometimes it happens I have posts all throughout the week, sometimes there are small/big gaps between them {time/life permitting}. However. If you scroll down the right bar to my blog post archive, you'll notice that in the past 6 months I had written a total of 11 posts per month (with the exception of January with 10 posts)- Wait - don't go there to check this - just take my word for it :)
Well, I find it curious that even most of my posts per months in 2011 {and 2010 for that matter} equal 11. I felt like trying to find the lowest common denominator. Now, I am neither a fanatic nor superstitious and I am writing this post to "break the spell of 11" just from entertaining purposes. Sometimes I like to wander off the right track, you know :)
So for this post I've taken out an embroidered piece (above) I compulsively made after making
Then I want to show you the embroidery of this dress I made when Eva was a baby. This was my first take on embroidering a dress and I still remember enjoying making every little stitch. Not an elaborate embroidery but effective I believe. Especially the one at the hem.

So there you go Number 11!