Saturday, May 29, 2021
Flower Hair Comb Trial

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Wood Scraps to Drink Coasters

Important: this post contains affiliate links
Being crazy over bringing nature into my home, I must tell you that I am a proud owner of a couple of thick wood slices. They are constantly on display around the house, and their main purpose is to host various decorations depending on the festive season (or not), so in winter they prop Santa and his missus, in spring they embrace tiny flower wreaths and most often they serve as the podium for my candle-holders.
I was unwilling to make them a face lift and they have been left literally raw and rustic, but upon seeing this fantastic tutorial by Christen Hammons published in the Stampington magazine, I am convinced they really need one.
Click here to find a wonderful subscription offer to Stampington Magazines.
Monday, May 24, 2021
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday friends!
Hubs and I spend a fantastic weekend with friends, exploring the hidden gems of our beautiful country. I am dead tired, but unbelievably fulfilled and happy.
Hoping that you are all safe and sound, I wave you goodbye!
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Sunshine Yarn Holding Bag - pattern release
Hello friends!
I have a new bag pattern. I designed this bag to be a yarn holding bag. If you are like me and like crocheting while on the road, commuting or just sitting in the park, this bag comes quite handy. You put the skein inside and pull the yarn through the loop / hole at the center. With the bag on your hand, crocheting will be a pleasurable experience with no yarn rolling around.
However, it can be used as a normal bag as well, with the handles crocheted to your preferred length.
The written pattern is accompanied with
numerous pictures for easier comprehension. It does NOT come with
lining instructions.
The technicalities
Yarn and hook: DK yarn of your choice (150 gr) and a 4.00 mm hook. Tapestry needle for sewing the bag and weaving ends.
terms (American terminology): chain (ch), chain space (ch-sp), slip
stitch (sl st), skip (sk), single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc),
crossed double crochet (X), bobble stitch.
Instructions for the bobble stitch: https://www.yarnspirations.com/row-en/how-to-crochet-bobbles.html
Finished measurements: 26 x 24 cm (10.2 x 9.4”) of bag’s circle body. Depth: 6 cm (2.36”). Handle: 29 cm (11.4”).
The pattern is in my etsy and ravelry shops.
Use limited time 10% off promo code: sunshine
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Disadvantages of Crochet {seriously??!}
While researching a crochet-related topic, I came upon a forum conversation on the disadvantages of crochet. I actually laughed out loud ironically, thinking "you've got to be kidding me! Seriously? Is there such a thing with crochet that would actually be considered a disadvantage?"
Some of the answers were:
* years of crocheting can lead to arthritis and/or carpal tunnel syndrome (cannot argue with this one. luckily for me, except for a stiff shoulder/elbow or a thumb, I haven't had a more serious health problem {knock on wood})
* you cannot drop down several rows as you do in knitting to fix a mistake; instead you have to frog all rows/rounds to fix it (you haven't seen my inventive methods of fixing a stitch!)
* you get addicted to expensive yarns (Pff...No, I don't!)
* hoarding yarn (lady, are you even a real hooker??)
* crocheting uses more yarn than knitting (I honestly don't care!)
* yarn takes every free space in your house (wiping tears off: I am with you on this one, sister!)
There were some ridiculous ones like you end up with too many WIPs and too many pattern collections you cannot use in a lifetime. But of course you do! You want to do several at the same time and wish you were an octopus. You could surely find good use for all those tentacles!
Now, let me ask you. What do you think is a disadvantage in crochet?
Crochet has many mental health benefits. If you missed my post on that, read it here.

Monday, May 17, 2021
Metal Hooks & Why I Love Them
My grandma taught me how to crochet. She was a master in crocheting large-scale tablecloths and doilies. So she used the thinnest hooks ever possible for her projects to make spider-web quality lace, which always kept me wondering how doesn't she miss the thread with such a tiny hook. Have you tried crocheting with a o.25 mm hook? Believe me! It's a Sisyphean task!
The first projects I started in crochet were with a {now beloved} 1.9mm hook. Grandma didn't own any bigger sizes than 2mm. And she also taught me that if you want to give a project a delicate and more sophisticated look, then small hooks are your friends. So for years now I have been using small hook sizes to make my crochet jewelries.
Another reason why I love ordinary metal hooks is that they have a part in the hook body that is flattened. The way I hold my hook is that I hold it by placing my thumb on that flat plateau on one side and my forefinger in the same spot on the other. The grip is not strenuous and crocheting is fast, easy and most importantly - painless.
I have some plastic and wooden hooks as well without that flat part, but I rarely use them because my hand easily tires and more often than not, they are painful to crochet with. With plastic and wooden hooks, the yarn kind of sticks with them and I have to pull harder while it drags down, whereas it slides smoothly with the metal ones.
What's your experience with hooks? What are your favourite types?
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Romantic Boho Bag

Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Crochet as Therapy
Taking care of one's mental hygiene is of crucial importance especially in these stressful times where there seems to be no end to the covid, and the shift in our lives has taken a dramatic turn.
It has been scientifically proven that any crafts (crochet / knitting / DIY projects) have an incredibly beneficial effect on mental health. Crocheting makes people calmer, happier, more relaxed and better able to focus. What makes crochet a yoga for the mind is that it allows us to become completely immersed in the present moment and makes us achieve mindfulness, giving the mind a break from worries about the past / future, thus allowing the brain and body to rejuvenate, refresh and reset themselves.
Most important benefits of crochet:
1) relieves depression and fights insomnia
2) reduces stress, anxiety and restlessness
3) reduces and postpones dementia
4) boosts confidence and self-esteem
Crochet for me has a great therapeutic effect. Being a teacher is not only exhausting, but stressful as well. Coming home to a crochet project and diving into lovely stitches and patterns lets me unload the burden of the day and unwind. The beautiful projects that emerge from these crochet sessions are even more rewarding and fulfilling.
How do you feel about crochet (or any other craft you do)? Does it help?
Monday, May 10, 2021
Artist Spotlight: Josefina Jiménez
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Course Reminder
Earlier this week I posted about the course I am teaming up to commence with Class 101, so if you missed it, here's a short summary:
What will the course be about?
This course teaches how to master crochet stitches, patterns and techniques and turn them into a valuable tool to make jewelry, accessories and home decor, with the emphasis being on creating romantic projects with a sprinkle of vintage and a shower of charm. The most important thing is that interested parties will get to shape the curriculum on the basis of their skills and interests.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Granny Squares for Apparels
I have repeatedly confessed here about my never ending love with granny squares. How could one not love them when they bring immense satisfaction when making your home a warm and welcoming nest?
In a post I shared a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Afghans in TV Shows - most of them being granny squares. However, the granny squares, although being very popular for blankets and afghans, have transcended their original use and spread far and wide into other lifestyle realms with an adorable twist.

Image by Rowan (Designer Lisa Richardson)
My inspiration for this post is an ongoing granny project - a cardigan or a bolero (still cannot make up my mind about its future status). I've become increasingly interested in using grannies to make clothes - in fact I made a top a couple of years ago, but now I am into making more elaborate garments. The sad truth is that they require a lot of time to be made, a luxury I cannot brag I have enough of.
But my old soul flutters upon seen granny dresses and cardies. Especially, well constructed and designed as these here in my post.
What are your thoughts on this?

Monday, May 3, 2021
Learn Romantic Crochet with Me
Hi guys! I have some exciting news to share!
I am teaming up with Class 101 in creating an online video course on Romantic crochet, and the course just went live!
What is the course about?
This course will teach you how to master crochet stitches, patterns and techniques and turn them into a valuable tool to make your jewelry, accessories and home decor, with the emphasis being on creating romantic projects with a sprinkle of vintage and a shower of charm.
By the end of this course you will have numerous projects finished and you will gain the confidence and skills to start designing your own crochet jewelry, accessories and home decor.

How does it work?
Sign up for the course (click on the FOLLOW button). Signing up does NOT require any payment or other info.
By signing up you receive 25% off which you'll be able to use when the course starts, and you will be offered a survey that will help me shape up the curriculum to better suit your needs and interest. Completing the survey will gain you an additional 5% off.
However, the work on the course will not commence until I get 200 followers.
I am immensely excited to dive into teaching crochet online and would love to have you as followers.
If you have any questions about the course, please share them in the comments.