Hi guys! Here we have a slightly overcast weather and right now the sun is peeking through the gray clouds, brightening the day for a bit and radiating and provoking positive energy.
If it is gloomy at your place, I am sharing this fantastically easy tutorial to brighten it up a little.
So, what better way to celebrate March and the spring we have all been waiting for than with a beautiful brooch.
For this project you will need:
- an old napkin with lace trim if possible or a doily,
- some artificial flowers and leaves,
- a sewing needle and thread to sew it all up and
- a felt piece for the back as well as a pin.
Gather your supplies.

Step 1: Cut the napkin in half. I cut mine because it was too big. If you have smaller (round) napkins and doilies at hand, that would be even better.
Step 2: Gather it at the upper part by sewing a running stitch. Secure that stitch nicely.
Step 3: Work on the arrangement of the flowers. I added some beads for the center of the yellow flower. You can add some charms, buttons or beads. Let your imagination run wild here! When done, sew the whole arrangement into place.
Step 4: When you are finished, add the felt piece at the back and sew / glue the pin.
And you're done! Enjoy your new brooch.
Not only is this a totally clever idea, but a completely adorable one, too! Love your spring brooch Maya, so pretty!
Ira’s Crea Corner
Thank you Ira!
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