Dinara Mirtalipova is a self-taught folklorist illustrator originating from Tashkent, Uzbekistan who now works and resides in snowy Ohio. Raised in Soviet Uzbek culture, Dinara inhabited folklore that is the solid foundation onto which she builds her charming illustrations and powerful folk images and patterns. All of them being nurtured by folk tales and old-world charm.

So very beautiful!
Very appealing! Paring the amount of colurs used down to the basic colurs makes her work very special and unique. Thank you for intriducing her!
Glad you like her work Marjan. True. The specific palette she uses as well as the characters, shapes and patterns of course,makes her work recognizable. I can look at her illustrations for hours, soaking in every single detail.
Beautiful Soviet Art. I just wrote about my fascination for their folklore and art in my post on the Firebird necklace
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