Monday, October 9, 2023

Crochet Twiddle muffs

I recently joined a local knitting/crochet group that focuses on making and donating things for the vulnerable categories. For example in spring they donated octopi for the preemies, and this fall I managed to join the group in making twiddle muffs. 
If you are wondering what a twiddle muff is - it is a sensory band that has different items attached to it to keep dementia patients' hands active and busy. They contain strands of textured ribbons, beads, and various fabrics attached both inside and outside. People with dementia often have restless hands and like to have something to keep their hands occupied. Very important, all decorating items should be securely attached so that patients cannot pull them out. 
Here are the two of the muffs that I made. I plan on making a free pattern for a muff, I just need to steal a bit of time.


Slabs said...

Beautifully done, love it. so colorful
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I linked up this week with = 100+101. Come and join us at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Those are beautiful and useful muffs you made Maya!

Sum of their Stories said...

These are beautiful. So often twiddle muffs are just practical but yours are pretty too!