Friday, December 27, 2013

Sweater Refashion

My sister knows that before she throws or gives something away (especially clothes and fabric) she has to let me get my hands on and through them to see if anything needs its life prolonged. So I received two large bags with things she doesn't need  / want and you know what they say about one man's trash...

Well, this is my treasure. A nice and warm sweater which could perform its function for several years more. It is in a great condition and as soon as I saw it I knew it was getting some lace on and about . The stunning lace was a gift from my blog friend Ira (Thank you so much!!) and I am glad I could finally use it. 

I applied a part on the neckline and I stitched the leftover pieces on the cuffs. I am quite satisfied the way it turned out and I know I did the right thing because the moment Eva saw it she asked if she can borrow it.  

I have a refashioning board here to search for inspiration.


KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

I always enjoy your refashion projects! It is amazing what a little bit of lace can do. Perfect!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Just lovely! A bit of lace makes everything nice! Best wishes, Tammy

Papylla said...

Nice job!! Really cute :)

Unknown said...

Love the refashion! You definitely gave that sweater some new life :]

Suzie Ridler said...

It looks amazing! I love it, added a feminine touch to that sweater. Well done!

Wendy said...

What a lovely idea, it looks so lovely and you'll be the only person with that jumper!

Sweet Woodruff said...

I'll have to try this. I Love lace and have lots of it. This is so cute and easy. I found you via Sumo's SWeet Stuff link party. Happy new Year to you.

Unknown said...

Beautiful!!! Great refashion!!

Unknown said...

I thought for sure I had figured this out when I saw the supplies because the lace looked just like a refashion I saw at a Mex. restaurant a couple days ago. BUT she had cut away the shoulder area front and back at the depth of the lace trim. she was a bit dismayed that it revealed her bra straps though. It looked nice too.

Unknown said...

Hi Maya, a perfectly retrò inspired sweater refashion, I like it! Case is that we did a similar thing in our blog too, making a lace collar for sweaters and dresses. The only different thing is that you can apply ours to any outfit as it's replaceable ;-) Great refashion!

You can find it here:

Have a nice day!