Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Exhibit - The Romantic Mori Collection

Hi guys! Just to let you know I had a magical evening and I am still rerunning last night into my head. It was everything I hoped for and even more.

I am planning to make a photo shoot of the collection soon and hope to have more to show you.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

My interview on Stylist.Mk

My little self was promoted on a famous Macedonian fashion site called Stylist.Mk
Here is a snippet translated by yours truly:
Inspired by Japanese street fashion of the Mori girls, the crochet designer Maya Kuzman will present her spring collection on the 30th March at 20:00 (Monday) at art-café Concept 37. For Kuzman who is one of the most present Macedonian artists and designers on the handmade site Etsy, the promotion of her collection "Romantic Mori" is her first independent exhibit in the country outside the virtual world.
- Mori means "forest" in Japanese, hence these forest girls mainly wear clothes in the colors of nature and their style is bohemian and fairytale like. The collection, true to its name, includes romantic pieces of crocheted jewelry - necklaces, lariats, bracelets, rings, brooches, pins and headbands. They were made with pure mercerized cotton and adorned with different types of lace, pearls and even paper flowers and miniscule fir cones.

 Seductive, spring colors prevail in the collection. The jewelry is completely composed of floral designs  for which various types of flower and lace patterns were used.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Make a Flower Hair comb - free flower pattern

Hi guys! I have some cuteness to share with you today.
The easiest flower pattern that is just perfect for spring hair combs and hairpins. The basic flower is the same as for this mini flower to which I added another round.
For this project I used embroidery floss and 1.25 mm hook. 
The pattern:
Chain 5 and join to make ring.
Round 1: sc 5 in ring. ch 5 and sl st in the next st. Repeat this 4 times.
Round 2: ch 8 and sc in the st between petals. Repeat this 4 times.  sl st in the last st to end it. End that's it!
You can combine them (smaller on top of the bigger),  to make them rich in appearance.

I glued them on with liquid silicone. It takes longer to dry but is much better than hot glue.  
For these below I used my favourite pattern.

 Also, I'd like to use this occasion to thank my newly found blog friend Amalia from Handmade by Amalia for awarding me the Liebster Award!
You must visit her enchanting blog - it is a true gem!

Friday, March 20, 2015

✽ ✾ ✿ ❁ ❃ ❋ ❀ Happy Spring! ✽ ✾ ✿ ❁ ❃ ❋ ❀

Hi everyone!
Happy first day of spring!
In my home spring arrived a long time ago, and here you can see a few of my blooming brooches from the Mori collection.

I wish you all a wonderful day and weekend ahead!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Vintage Suitcase into Jewelry Display

I am spending my days in preparation for my exhibition, which by the way is on the 30th of March, and having made pictures of the exhibition place I am know working on the background, i.e. I am trying to envision the scenery that would be best for displaying my collection considering the theme. In pursuing the idea of unusual jewelry displays I came upon vintage suitcases. And I fell in love with the idea. 
It just happens that I have a vintage suitcase in the garage, not being thrown away due to a DIY project I was waiting to use it for and this is it! I will use these as inspiration to repurpose the two I've got. Aren't these cute?
Enjoy the selection!



Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Read Granny Square Charts: Babouska Rose

Just as I promised  in my last granny how to post here
here is a chart I found online with a protruding flower, courtesy of Kazuko Ryokai and this lovely granny is called Babouska Rose.  Here's the chart and below it I have written the pattern down. Sharpen up your hooks and let's start.

Chain 5 and join to form ring.
Round 1: ch 1 and sc 6 in ring. sl st to end it.

Round 2: ch 1, sc 1, "ch 3 sk 1, sc1".
Repeat twice from "to ". sl st with beginning ch to end it.

Round 3: ch 1 and over the chain of the previous row, work the following pattern: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc. Repeat this pattern for the other two chains. sl st with beginning ch to end it.

Round 4: ch 2, sc at the back of the hdc from previous row, ch3 and sc at the back of the hdc of the same petal. Repeat  this 5 more times. sl st to end it.

Round 5: ch 1 and over the chain of the previous row, work the following pattern: 1sc, 1hdc, 3dc, 1hdc, 1sc. Repeat this pattern for the other two chains. sl st with beginning ch to end it.

Round 6: ch 2, sc at the back of the middle dc (the second of the three dcs) from the previous row, ch5 and sc at the back of the middle dc of the next petal. Repeat  this 5 more times. sl st to end it.
Here I crocheted the chain at the back and sc between petals instead the middle dc. You may want to try to see if it is better than in the pattern. 

Round 7:  ch 1 and over the chain of the previous row, work the following pattern: 1sc, 1hdc, 5dc, 1hdc, 1sc. Repeat this pattern for the other two chains. sl st with beginning ch to end it.

You made the rose with round 7. Now for the green border.
Insert new (green) yarn where you sl st in the previous row and sc 1. Ch 5 and in the 1st dc of the next petal make a 3tr puff st. ch 5 and make another 3tr puff in the same st as the first one. Ch 2 and sc in the 5th dc from the previous row. Ch 3 and sc in the 1st dc of the next petal below, then ch 2 and make the puff stitch as before. Next, ch 5 and sc in the 3rd dc of the next petal, ch 5 and make the puff set. Repeat the pattern for the side.  Finally ch 5 and sl st in the beginning ch to end it.

Insert new color for the outer border. Start where you ended the last round. Ch 3 (counts as the 1st dc) then dc 4. Skip the puff, in between the puffs - dc 3, ch3, dc 3 (on the same chain), dc 9, skip the puff and do the corner pattern. Repeat this for the other side. When you make the last puff, dc4 and sl st in the initial chain to finish it.

The gorgeous afghan below is taken from the Sewing Daisies Blog where she gives info on the colors she used and the hook size.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Crochet Owl Blanket Pattern

I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally make this beautiful owl blanket. It took a lot of work, and I mean a whole lot of work, but I loved every single minute of it!

This is going to be a gift for a friend's baby and I hope it will bring joy and happiness particularly with its vibrant and happy colors. Not to mention the owls. I.love.them.

My husband asked me if I could part from it - I said I will manage -with a heavy heart of course :)

 I documented the process and now there is a tutorial in my shop if you want to make it. It is a lengthy and time consuming project, but believe me - this is a heirloom piece your loved ones will treasure forever.

Owl blanket here and here. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hook's Vigorous Play

It was one of those March days
when the sun shines hot
and the wind blows cold;
when it is summer in the light
and winter in the shade.
Charles Dickens
I think this little verse captures the very essence of the picture and my newest addition to the Mori collection.
I have been vigorously working on my crochet collection, which will be presented on the exhibition which is taking place on the 30 March. When I think of it, I can feel my heart in my throat. Do you know that feeling?
The collection is growing with each day and I hope it will attract the desired attention. Fingers crossed!

Monday, March 9, 2015

20 DIY Easter Eggs

Washi Tape Eggs
Nail Polish Eggs

This year we will be abroad for the Easter holidays, so I won't be able to make many Easter projects, but as always I can't resist the creativity around the world when it comes to Easter eggs decorating, painting and dyeing so I made a list of 20 awesome Easter egg projects I am sure everyone would like to try.

There are projects including yarn, washi tape, nail polish, chalk, crayons, etc.   Enjoy!

Pysanky Eggs
Fruity Eggs
Easter Eggs
Easiest Easter Eggs


Moustache Eggs
Sharpie Eggs
Decorating Idea
Confetti Covered Easter Eggs

Friday, March 6, 2015

My Shamrock in the Australian Homespun

Hi guys! I am quite ecstatic today because the amazing Homespun Magazine has featured my little shamrock in their latest (March 2015) issue! A huge Thank You! to Homespun Magazine!

 If you want to make this for St.Patty's the tutorial is here

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Embroidered Pendant Necklace

Here's something I stitched for myself.
I don't think I could have enough of these.... like ever.
I've been embroidering them in almost every color palette I could think of and I hope to be able  to show them soon.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

DIY - A Flower Brooch to Celebrate March

Hi guys! Here we have a slightly overcast weather and right now the sun is peeking through the gray clouds, brightening the day for a bit and radiating and provoking positive energy.
If it is gloomy at your place, I am sharing this fantastically easy tutorial to brighten it up a little.
So, what better way to celebrate March and the spring we have all been waiting for than with a beautiful brooch.
For this project you will need:
- an old napkin with lace trim if possible or a doily,
- some artificial flowers and leaves,
- a sewing needle and thread to sew it all up and
- a felt piece for the back as well as a pin.
Gather your supplies.

Step 1: Cut the napkin in half. I cut mine because it was too big. If you have smaller (round) napkins and doilies at hand, that would be even better.
Step 2: Gather it at the upper part by sewing a running stitch. Secure that stitch nicely.

Step 3: Work on the arrangement of the flowers. I added some beads for the center of the yellow flower. You can add some charms, buttons or beads. Let your imagination run wild here! When done, sew the whole arrangement into place.
Step 4: When you are finished, add the felt piece at the back and sew / glue the pin.

And you're done! Enjoy your new brooch.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Easter Tulip Egg Cozy Pattern

I have a new pattern for an egg cozy and this time it is a tulip :)
The pattern is easy in difficulty and can be done in a matter of minutes. The cozies are the perfect thing to add as your Easter décor this year.
You can give the cozies as gifts, decorate your Easter table or mantelpiece or scatter and hide around the house for the children to hunt for. Make them for a unique and memorable experience with your loved ones.
The pattern is here
My Easter basket pattern still attracts attention.