Monday, October 28, 2024

My new knitted vest


Well, what do you know! I once wowed that I am never going to get back to knitting, and now it's time to eat my own words! 

Truth be told, last winter I tried making some knitted scarves, but ditched the needles after the 3rd row. And I've come to the conclusion that the bigger the needle size, the more likely I am to tackle the project. So, when I got this yarn, which btw is discontinued, I decided to make something for myself, because the yarn variegation is just so lovely, it would have been a complete waste if used for a non-significant project.  

I went with 9mm circular needles, and in hindsight,  I could have used even bigger ones, but nevertheless, I like how my new vest looks like.  What I like most about it is the arm gap - it's huge and the whole appearance tilts towards the mori girl style.

Looking forward to get the best wears out if it! 

P.S. The edges are crocheted. I couldn't help myself! :)-

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