Friday, May 31, 2024

How to Crochet an Irish Rose - video tutorial

My newest video is live and this time I am showing how to crochet a version of the Irish rose. Follow along if interested!


Stephanie said...

Maya, this is beautiful. I invite you to share with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party. :) Starts today at 9 a.m. MST

Oombawka Design said...

Hi Maya,

This is a wonderful video tutorial to show people how to crochet an Irish Rose!

Thank you for linking up at our weekly Crochet and DIY Link Party! You’ve been featured this week in our post this week:
Thank you for taking the time to share your content with our readers!


Stephanie said...

Maya, I'm happy to feature your post tomorrow at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #41. :)

Maya Kuzman said...

Much obliged, Rhondda! Thank you so much!

Maya Kuzman said...

Aww, that is so sweet of you Stephanie! Thank you so much! Immensely appreciated! Hugs!

Sum of their Stories said...

How lovely, I'm looking forward to giving this a try asap. This is a feature over at Handmade Monday this week :-)

Maya Kuzman said...

Thank you so much, Julie! 💝