Friday, November 13, 2009

Fabric from Tunisia

This is the fabric I bought on our visit of the Tunis medina.
The shops were amazing and well-stocked.

I bought mostly cotton and linen which seduced me with the designs and the quality of the fabric. Not to mention the gorgeous colours.
If it hadn't been for the weight we were allowed to take into the plane I know I would have bought lots more.

Washed, ironed and ready to indulge into new projects.
What will all this fabric be?
I already have some ideas but am not so willing to start sewing.
I think it will do my studio good if I finish those couple of projects I've started.
The most pleasant surprise was from my husband.
He bought these two Berber covers while I was in the other shop buying something else. He couldn't decide which one so he bought both.

I love them!

But I am not going to use them as covers but would love to make a piece of clothing because the cotton is one of the softiest I've touched.

Look at its border! So perfectly webbed!

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