I inherited it while at the uni and I remember wearing it dearly. It was the right thing to throw on over a tee and jeans and head out. Not to mention that it had quite a stir among my friends - it was original, it was hip and it had a mysterious feel around itself.
I have kept it - as many of my mother's clothes- because of the beautiful memories I have with it, because it sparks my desire for foreign travels, explorations and adventures and keeps it aflame, because to me, it is a real treasure.
The other thing why this is a real treasure is the craftsmanship and authenticity. You see, this jacket was made in Isfahan, Iran. Isfahan, once the capital of Persia is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and the city is also famous for its wide variety of historic monuments and is known for the paintings, architecture and history.

I haven't worn this jacket for many years. It shows sings of severe wear and tear. From all the washings it's seen it lost its colors. As you can see, I tried rejuvenating it with fabric markers. I worked only the right hand (or the left as you see it here) panel just to see if it works, but I am not satisfied how it turned out so I left it until I find ink or some kind of other markers that will work on the fabric. I plan to make it fully functioning again, because I cannot describe Eva's reaction when she discovered it, neatly folded in my wardrobe.
So I guess the story of the jacket will repeat itself, until one day - if you know the story - we don't make a button of it :)
*This story was supposed to appear in "The World In My Wardrobe" Series, but apparently it was meant to appear in this blog train instead.
This post is part of a blog train hosted by Agatha from Green Issues by Agy on "I Didn't Throw It Away".
We have become such a throw-away society, but there are some things in our households that we still keep. Why is that so? Perhaps this blog train can unlock the reasons behind it! Follow the daily posts on this blog train and read about the stories behind the things we have kept for many years and why we didn't throw them away.
The next to participate the blog train is Stephanie of Swoodson Says
This is such a beautiful garment and well kept over the 40 years (even though the colour has faded). I'm guessing it was bought before the fall of the Iranian Royal family?
What a beautiful jacket! I love it and it must of been really beautiful when it was new. I see why you love it so much!
I really wouldn't know about that Agy.
Wow! It's really a treasure, even more precious because of remembrances that it contains!
Have a great day!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft
I love that jacket. Have only seen that material used to make tablecloths, never as clothing. I would definitely wear it. Glad you still have it and are working to salvage it. Best wishes, Tammy
Wow wow wow Maya! Don't EVER throw this gorgeous jacket away, it's so beautiful and is still a fashionable piece of art!
Ira’s Crea Corner
Beautiful jacket with a gorgeous story...Please don't throw it away, ever!
Thanks for sharing,
P.S.: I also joined the blog train, and this is my story (published on January 9) - http://www.fafafoom.com/didnt-throw-away-3-things-20-years-later/
This is a lovely jacket but what adds to it's beauty is the story behind it. I'm sure it will be cherished for many more years.
Wow, Maya, it's just gorgeous! I can certainly understand how you wouldn't throw away a garment that is so unique, has such a history and is also a family heirloom! :) Lisa
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